Hearing Conservation
According to OSHA,” Roughly 30 million people a year are exposed to hazardous noise in their occupation. Hearing Conservation Programs should be implemented by employers to protect their employees during occupational duties.” Fast Response On-Site will help you develop, implement, and maintain a hearing conservation program for your company.
Our state of the art equipment speaks 17 languages and provides each participant with an immediate review of their current results as compared to previous tests. Used in conjunction with an active sound level meter (ASLM) – The ASLM monitors ambient noise levels and will not allow testing to continue unless the background levels are below printed standards.
FROST is certified to test and help you comply with the following
- Audiometric testing
- Hearing protectors
- Education and training
- Recordkeeping
Our hearing tests are guaranteed to meet standards each and every time. FROST technicians are qualified to explain the results without making a diagnostic judgment. Fast Response On-Site comes to you, so that we help control lost work time and better accommodate your company’s production schedule and work shifts.
Contact Us Today for more information about how we can serve you!
“The employer shall administer a continuing, effective hearing conservation program, whenever employee noise exposures equal or exceed an 8-hour time-weighted average sound level (TWA) of 85 decibels.“