Hospital Services
Respirator Use in Healthcare Workplaces
Hospitals and clinics are unique work environments with challenging occupational health and safety issues. Some large hospitals have health and safety personnel who are highly qualified to develop and implement appropriate policies and procedures to control workplace exposures. However, in many smaller facilities with more limited resources, the role of the health and safety professional might be taken on as an added responsibility by someone in the nursing, employee health, or infection control department.
Fast Response Onsite Testing (FROST) is the perfect partner solution for any size hospital or clinic to help keep their workforce protected. Serving multiple, large and small hospitals throughout the United States, FROST provides fit testing and training services to more than 7,000 hospital and clinic based health providers every year.
Health care workers in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, clinics, and physician offices can be exposed to serious infectious diseases such as influenza, tuberculosis, measles and meningitis. Staff in health care workplaces must be trained and equipped to protect themselves and prevent the spread of these diseases. Our health care community must also be prepared to protect workers whenever a novel pathogen emerges, such as the 2009 H1N1 influenza.
Respiratory protection is one important component of an effective infection control program. Respirators for protection against infectious diseases must be used effectively and in compliance with the Cal/OSHA Respiratory Protection and Aerosol Transmissible Diseases (ATD) Standards. FROST has been working with hospitals and other health care partners to help implement effective infection control and respiratory protection programs to protect both workers and the public.
Call FROST today to find out how we can help you keep your workforce safe, healthy and compliant.
- OSHA video: Difference Between Respirators and Surgical Masks (WMV, 13MB) … Spanish
- OSHA video: Respiratory Protection for Health Care Workers – download video or watch on YouTube
- OSHA Fact Sheet: Respiratory Infection Control: Respirators Versus Surgical Masks – one-page explanation of when to use respirators and surgical masks